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Why You Should Never Try To Remove Your Own Earwax

earwax removal - girl cleans the ears

Earwax can often be thought of as a pest, something that causes a mess and can block up your ears, making them uncomfortable. But the reality is very different. Most of the time, earwax plays a very important role in protecting your ear canal. It can pick up germs, bugs, foreign bodies like dust and […]

Ear We Go: More TikTok Bad Earwax Advice To Ignore

Ear wax removal by microsuction -removing the earwax

Ear wax is a naturally occurring substance and is vital for maintaining your ear health, as it helps capture debris that might otherwise get inside your ear and cause an infection or blockage. But sometimes excess wax can be a problem in itself. The question then is what you should do about it. The obvious […]

How The Freezing Wintery Weather Can Harm Your Ears

Ear wax removal - woman wearing winter clothe

News that parts of the UK have just experienced their coldest November night in 13 years will have got a lot of people thinking about what sort of winter lies ahead. For all the talk of 2023 being the world’s hottest year on record, the next few months might bring something very different in Britain. […]

Blocked Ears: What Are The Common Causes Earwax Build-up?

Man About To Clean His Ears Using Q-tip Cotton Swab. Hygiene Ess

Some people suffer from regular build-ups of earwax, which can result in not being able to hear as clearly as they otherwise would.  Although this can be easily rectified by booking an appointment for microsuction earwax removal, those who suffer might be interested to find out why their ears regularly become blocked in the first […]

What does Ear Wax Do?

Man having his ear looked at during consultation

It’s no secret, we all have ear wax. It’s a perfectly normal substance that’s created by our body and it’s always going to be around. What many don’t understand, however, is the purpose of ear wax, and how important its role actually is. Ear wax assists in the removal of unwanted debris from the ear. […]