
Why Noisy Toys Can Be Damaging To Children’s Hearing

damaging To Children’s Hearing - hearing aid

It is rare that parents choose noisy toys for their own children, as they know how irritating these can become after just a few times.  However, they should be given a wide berth not just because they can be annoying to hear on repeat, but because they could do lasting damage to children’s hearing.  Kids’ […]

How Can Ear Wax Removal Help To Improve Your Hearing

man's ear

Our ears produce a natural substance known as cerumen, more commonly referred to as ear wax, which helps to prevent dust, debris and bacteria from reaching the inner ear. It is important for the health of our ears that we produce ear wax, however, many people produce excess ear wax which can cause a variety […]

What Are The First Signs Of Hearing Loss?

Patient having ears checked

Hearing loss is a very common condition and you may well start to experience issues with your hearing at some point, particularly as you get older.  However, there are many reasons why deafness may start to manifest and there are various treatment options available, depending on the cause, so if you are having difficulty hearing […]

Taking the necessary precautions during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Keeping our patients safe

On the 5th of May 2020 Audiology professional bodies including AHIPP, BAA, BSA and BSHAA released joint clinical guidance for Audiology practitioners to update all members on how to practice safely during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The guidance has been collated with input from the infection control society and ENT UK. At Otec Hearing we have now […]

What does Ear Wax Do?

Man having his ear looked at during consultation

It’s no secret, we all have ear wax. It’s a perfectly normal substance that’s created by our body and it’s always going to be around. What many don’t understand, however, is the purpose of ear wax, and how important its role actually is. Ear wax assists in the removal of unwanted debris from the ear. […]

Ear Wax Removal at Home

Man during hearing test

Whether we like it or not, ear wax is part of our body, and it’s something that we all have to deal with. Having wax inside the ear is completely normal, and usually, you’ll never even notice that it’s there. However, occasionally you may find that the wax in your ear may be built up […]

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Hearing aid in case

Looking after your Hearing Aids after having them fitted is extremely important, as keeping your hearing aid in good working order will minimize the potential problems you may have in the future. There are some simple things you can implement into your life to minimise the potential for any cropping up at some point. Although […]

Private Hearing Aids vs NHS Hearing Aids

Man handing hearing aid to patient

When it comes to hearing care and choosing a hearing aid, an individual usually has a choice between going through the NHS or a private practitioner. There are some benefits and drawbacks to both options, which could be useful to know when deciding on going with one or another. With an NHS aid, you are […]

Top 5 UK Industries Developing Hearing Problems

Builder/construction worker smiling at work

Many of the working class don’t think about their health, especially their hearing when thinking about their job. There are, however, some clear links to certain health problems and job occupations, some of which may surprise you. According to the Office of National Statistics, it was estimated that 260,472 people in the UK suffered from […]

What Happens During a Hearing Test?

Group having a conversation

Hearing tests are something that many people will have at some point during their lives. If you’re someone who has never had a hearing test, we hope this article can be useful in telling you what to expect if you do need to attend one later down the line. A hearing test is carried out […]